Arch Street Press

independent nonprofit publisher dedicated to the collaborative work of creative visionaries, social entrepreneurs and leading scholars worldwide

Gayatri Datar and EarthEnable: Paving the Way to Household Sanitation in Rwanda

Gayatri Datar, Managing Director and cofounder of EarthEnable, works to improve the health and housing of low-income communities by providing affordable and sanitary floors to the 80% of Rwandans who live and sleep on dirt floors. EarthEnable trains masons to install floors made of sanitary materials that are easy to clean. Gayatri has worked with Dalberg Global Development Advisors, Liberia’s Ministry of Finance, the World Bank and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. She received her BA in economics from Harvard College, an MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business and a Master of Public Administration in International Development from the Harvard Kennedy School. In 2014, Gayatri was awarded an Echoing Green fellowship for her work with EarthEnable. She is one of Forbes’ 30 Under 30 for 2015.

Chris Ategeka and Rides for Lives: Making Healthcare Accessible

Chris Ategeka, founder and CEO of Rides for Lives, brings accessible healthcare to remote and developing areas of Africa. Associate Director of Communications Holly Camisa discusses with Chris his experience providing emergency vehicles, extensive medical services and employment to remote places. Chris, a native of Uganda, has a deep personal connection to the land and people Rides for Lives helps. 

Ideas Unbound: Philadelphia Museum of Art CEO Timothy Rub—the Power of Art

Managing Editor Robert Rimm talks with Timothy Rub, Director and CEO of the Philadelphia Museum of Art and president of the Association of Art Museum Directors. Serving at one of the country’s largest art institutions, he provides an outstanding model for advocating for the power of art to grow communities, to educate and engage the public, and to enhance the vital role of art in our society.  (This is a rebroadcast of our interview from last May, in which Timothy Rub discusses his role as the director of a major urban museum.)


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Dan Weiss of Haverford College and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Leading Through Education

Dan Weiss, President of Haverford College until summer 2015, is the new President of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Managing Editor Robert Rimm discusses with Dan his extensive experience as an educator and educational leader, exploring his time at Johns Hopkins, Lafayette and Haverford. Dan explains how his lifelong interest in art and art history led to his involvement in education and his eventual role with the Met, where he plans to make learning about art accessible and enjoyable for all audiences.

Haverford College on Facebook

Haverford College on Twitter

The Metropolitan Museum of Art on Facebook

The Metropolitan Museum of Art on Twitter

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Jen Anderson and Jane Mitchell of The Reset Foundation, Creating an Alternative to America's Prisons

Jen Anderson, COO and cofounder of The Reset Foundation, and Jane Mitchell, CEO and cofounder, are providing opportunities to disadvantaged young people. The Reset Foundation is comprised of campuses that serve as an alternative for young adults sentenced to the dehumanizing environment of prison. In fall of 2014, Reset opened their pilot campus in the Bay Area. Their current students, young people ages 18-24, are working toward high school diplomas, professional success and overall positivity and relationship building. 

Vivek Maru and Namati, Bringing Legal Empowerment Across the Globe

Vivek Maru, CEO and founder of Namati, seeks legal empowerment worldwide. Managing Editor, Robert Rimm, discusses with Vivek his experience training paralegals to represent communities fighting for the land of their families. Vivek's spirit of activism is rooted in his days as a college student writing about Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X, as well as his time abroad working for grassroots organizations in India. 

Namati on Facebook

Namati on Twitter

Vivek on Twitter

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Natalia Adler and UNICEF, Opening Opportunities for Children to Be Who They Want to Be

Natalia Adler, Divisional Planning Specialist for the global Division of Data, Research and Policy at UNICEF, seeks ways to implement social innovations for children. Director of Special Projects, Anne Ulizio, talks with Natalia about her experience borrowing from the design world, implementing the use of a human-centered design approach for policymaking, her appreciation for ethnographic research and her involvement with the private sector in finding new ways "to do development." Natalia's leadership and drive are rooted in her early years in Brazil, where she owned and operated her own English-language school by the age of 14.

UNICEF on Facebook

UNICEF Nicaragua on Facebook

Natalia Adler on Twitter

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Chris Harper, Setting Standards for Ethical Journalism and Mass Media

Chris Harper—novelist, journalist and journalism professor at Temple University—is a prominent voice in dialogues surrounding ethics, trends and skills associated with the media. Coming from a background of more than 20 years working in the field for the Associated Press in Chicago, Newsweek in Chicago, Washington and Beirut, ABC News in Cairo and Rome and 20/20, Chris applies his unique experiences everyday in the classroom to influence aspiring writers to attain the highest level of journalism excellence. During his turn at the helm of Temple University's Multimedia Urban Reporting Lab, the program's cornerstone project, Philadelphia Neighborhoods, won the prestigious EPPY Award for best college journalism website. Chris has edited and authored multiple books and writes a weekly column on media ethics for The Washington Times

Kumi Naidoo, Leading Into Battle Toward a Sustainable Future

Kumi Naidoo is a global activist and the Executive Director of Greenpeace International. Since its founding more than 43 years ago, Greenpeace has pioneered the journey toward an energy revolution, disarmament and peace, the defense of our oceans, the protection of ancient forests and a toxic-free future. The organization is active in more than 40 countries around the world, speaking for more than 2.8 million supporters globally. Kumi's leadership is rooted in years of activism, beginning with his involvement in the anti-apartheid movement years ago in his native South Africa. 

Greenpeace International on Facebook

Kumi Naidoo on Twitter

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Jack Lule, Incubating an Interdisciplinary, Global Approach to Education

Jack Lule is a professor and Chair of the Journalism and Communications department at Lehigh University, as well as the Director of the Global Studies and the Globalization and Social Change Initiative. His research focuses on globalization in the media, international communication, international news reporting, cultural and critical studies of news, online journalism and teaching with technology. He is the author of three books, Daily News, Eternal Stories: The Mythological Role of JournalismGlobalization and Media: Global Village of Babeland Understanding Media and CultureHe has written over 50 scholarly articles and book chapters, journals and periodicals, and has contributed to reports on NPR, the BBC and other major news outlets. Since joining the Lehigh community in 1990, he has received four awards as an educator: the Donald B. and Dorothy L. Stabler Foundation Award for Excellence in Teaching, the Faculty Scholar Award from the Phi Beta Delta Honor Society for International Scholars and the Deming Lewis Faculty Award.


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Arch Street Press est un éditeur indépendant, à but non lucratif, qui se consacre à promouvoir l'œuvre collaboratif des visionnaires créatifs, entrepreneurs sociaux et leaders d'opinion.

Arch Street Press is part of the Institute for Leadership Education, Advancement and Development (I-LEAD), a Pennsylvania-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit with offices in Philadelphia, Bryn Mawr and Reading. It has served as a key force for community leadership development since 1995, fostering a degreed citizenry to tangibly improve and sustain the economic, civic and social well-being of communities throughout the United States.