Arch Street Press

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Chris Ategeka and Rides for Lives: Making Healthcare Accessible

Chris Ategeka, founder and CEO of Rides for Lives, brings accessible healthcare to remote and developing areas of Africa. Associate Director of Communications Holly Camisa discusses with Chris his experience providing emergency vehicles, extensive medical services and employment to remote places. Chris, a native of Uganda, has a deep personal connection to the land and people Rides for Lives helps. 


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Arch Street Press est un éditeur indépendant, à but non lucratif, qui se consacre à promouvoir l'œuvre collaboratif des visionnaires créatifs, entrepreneurs sociaux et leaders d'opinion.

Arch Street Press is part of the Institute for Leadership Education, Advancement and Development (I-LEAD), a Pennsylvania-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit with offices in Philadelphia, Bryn Mawr and Reading. It has served as a key force for community leadership development since 1995, fostering a degreed citizenry to tangibly improve and sustain the economic, civic and social well-being of communities throughout the United States.