Arch Street Press

independent nonprofit publisher dedicated to the collaborative work of creative visionaries, social entrepreneurs and leading scholars worldwide

Helen Benedict, Educating and Exposing Injustice Through Writing

Helen Benedict is an acclaimed writer, professor and advocate for a paradigm shift from the autonomous power and proceedings of the military in society. With a male-dominated culture bereft of outside oversight through prosecution of reported cases of sexual assault out of the eyes and hands of the American public, the institution is responsible for a high frequency and low rate of redress of sexual assault. Helen's expertise as a writer lies in her passion for uncovering truths associated with sexual assault in the military, the experience of women in the military and the ugly truths of war. Her expertise as a professor at Columbia's journalism school lies in her fostering social awareness and a passion for social justice in her students. Her writing inspired not only a class-action lawsuit against the Pentagon and Defense Secretaries Rumsfeld and Gates, but also the Academy Award-nominated documentary, The Invisible War, about the harrowing reality of sexual assault in the U.S. military. 

Carolyn Miles and Save the Children, Procuring and Securing a Future for Children Around the World

"I said to him, 'What do you think your future is like?', and he looked around at this huge refugee camp and he said to me, 'I don't have a future.' That's the worst thing you could ever hear a child say, and that's what we have to do something about." 

Carolyn Miles, President and CEO of Save the Children, has been working to combat this all-too-common lack of hope for children's livelihoods around the globe. Managing Editor Robert Rimm talks with Carolyn about her tenure at the helm of the organization, during which time Save the Children's reach has more than doubled and its available resources have increased from $250 million to almost $700 million annually, with nearly 90% directly spent on programs for children. Carolyn is an unwavering advocate for increased childhood nutrition programs, access to education and learning outcomes, and protection for all children from harm.

Carolyn Miles on Twitter

Save the Children on Facebook

Carolyn's blog, Logging Miles

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Andrew Mangino and The Future Project, Activating Students as Agents for Change

Andrew Mangino cofounded The Future Project in 2011, and has since been instrumental in augmenting the organization's reach and impact in the spheres of education and community development. The Future Project has expanded into 50 high schools across the country in seven states, engaging 25,000 students to not only realize their passions but also to pursue them and solve problems that affect their families, friends, communities, cities and society as a whole. Appointed Dream Directors immerse themselves in school communities, acting as catalysts for change and re-imagining schools as environments not only for academic learning, but as places where students learn how to live the best lives possible.

Ashoka Fellow Chris Underhill: Empathy and Basic Needs (rebroadcast from 2013)


A dialogue with Ashoka Fellow Chris Underhill about his work as founder and director of Basic Needs, an international charity that works to bring about lasting change in the lives of mentally ill people around the world. The organization has had an extraordinary impact, serving over 500,000 people including more than 100,000 with mental illness, more than 80,000 care givers and approximately 350,000 family members. The conversation focuses on the role of empathy in the powerful model for mental health and development that informs the mission and activities of Basic Needs.

Basic Needs on Facebook
Chris Underhill on LinkedIn

Leonard Haas and the Wyncote Foundation, Carrying on a Legacy of Philanthropy

Board Chair of the Wyncote Foundation, Leonard Haas serves with his brothers David, Frederick and Duncan, who are also directors of the foundation. They carry on the legacy started by their father, John C. Haas, while expanding the foundation's impact in the greater Philadelphia area and in the Pacific Northwest via Wyncote Foundation Northwest by providing grants in arts and culture, education, the environment, health and human services, preservation, public media and journalism. The Foundation has received the Philadelphia Orchestra Award for increasing engagement with patrons, allowing the dramatic transformation of the orchestra itself and for "unparalleled leadership in Philadelphia's philanthropic community." Leonard's passion for theater parallels his desire to improve the lives of Philadelphians while contributing to the greater good.

Tune into the interview with Leonard and click through the corresponding slideshow below...


Ideas Unbound: Carnegie Hall Executive and Artistic Director Clive Gillinson (rebroadcast from 2014)

Managing Editor Robert Rimm hosts a dialogue with Clive Gillinson, Executive and Artistic Director of Carnegie Hall in New York City. Clive oversees its strategic and artistic planning, resource development, education, finance and administration, and also operations for the Weill Music Institute. Carnegie Hall and the Weill Music Institute bring music education and community programs to more than 450,000 people in the New York metropolitan area, across the United States and throughout the world. 

Clive Gillinson on LinkedIn

Carnegie Hall on Facebook

Carnegie Hall on Twitter

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David Schwartz and Sunny Kim, Paving the Way Toward a Real Food Economy

David Schwartz, campaign director, and Sunny Kim, steering community member, are two driving forces behind the Real Food Challenge, a national nonprofit organization with a mission to shift $1 billion of existing university food budgets away from industrial farms and junk food and toward local, community-based, fair, ecologically sound and humane food sources—“real food”—by 2020. The organization leverages the power of youth and universities to create a healthy, fair and green food system, and also maintains a national network of student food activists—providing opportunities for networking, learning, and leadership development for thousands of emerging leaders.

Benjamin Pierce and Vanguard Charitable: Increasing Charitable Giving and Its Influence Nationwide


Benjamin Pierce is President of Vanguard Charitable, a national nonprofit donor-advised funds provider that has facilitated a total charitable impact of $4.8 billion since its founding in 1997. Hired as the organization's first employee, Ben has been instrumental in the growth and success of Vanguard Charitable. The organization emphasizes measuring the efficacy of each donation by conducting thorough due diligence, encouraging an open dialogue between donors and charities, and maintaining an unwavering focus on the organization's mission to increase philanthropic giving in America. 

Benjamin Pierce on LinkedIn

Tune into the interview with Ben and click through the corresponding slideshow below...


Linda Rottenberg and Endeavor Global: High-Impact Entrepreneurship and Inciting Social Change

Linda Rottenberg is the cofounder and CEO of Endeavor Global, an international nonprofit making great strides in catalyzing long-term economic growth by collaborating with and accelerating the impact of the best "High-Impact Entrepreneurs" around the world. Linda and her team influence and inspire these social impact organizations by providing crucial entrepreneurial tools of mentorship, networking, strategic advice, talent and access to smart capital. She is also the author of Crazy Is a Compliment: The Power of Zigging When Everyone Else Zags. Linda has been named one of "America's Best Leaders" by U.S. News and one of Time's 100 "Innovators for the 21st century." 

Linda Rottenberg on LinkedIn

Endeavor on Facebook

Endeavor on Twitter

Crazy Is a Compliment on Amazon

Crazy Is a Compliment on Barnes & Noble

Tune into the interview with Linda and click through the corresponding slideshow below...


Clara Brenner and Tumml: Accelerating and Scaling Social Impact in Urban Spaces

Clara Brenner is the CEO and cofounder of Tumml, a nonprofit urban ventures accelerator located in San Francisco. Tumml offers seed funding, mentorship and resources to some of the most innovative entrepreneurs across the country to increase their models' success to solve some of the most pressing issues faced by urban communities—homelessness, mobility, water and resource management, et al. Clara and her cofounder Julie Lein have provided resources for over 15 urban innovation ventures to make each organization's mission of urban development a reality.


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Member of the Association of American Publishers and the Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance

Arch Street Press est un éditeur indépendant, à but non lucratif, qui se consacre à promouvoir l'œuvre collaboratif des visionnaires créatifs, entrepreneurs sociaux et leaders d'opinion.

Arch Street Press is part of the Institute for Leadership Education, Advancement and Development (I-LEAD), a Pennsylvania-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit with offices in Philadelphia, Bryn Mawr and Reading. It has served as a key force for community leadership development since 1995, fostering a degreed citizenry to tangibly improve and sustain the economic, civic and social well-being of communities throughout the United States.