Arch Street Press

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Filtering by Tag: charity

Ashoka Fellow Chris Underhill: Empathy and Basic Needs (rebroadcast from 2013)


A dialogue with Ashoka Fellow Chris Underhill about his work as founder and director of Basic Needs, an international charity that works to bring about lasting change in the lives of mentally ill people around the world. The organization has had an extraordinary impact, serving over 500,000 people including more than 100,000 with mental illness, more than 80,000 care givers and approximately 350,000 family members. The conversation focuses on the role of empathy in the powerful model for mental health and development that informs the mission and activities of Basic Needs.

Basic Needs on Facebook
Chris Underhill on LinkedIn

Benjamin Pierce and Vanguard Charitable: Increasing Charitable Giving and Its Influence Nationwide


Benjamin Pierce is President of Vanguard Charitable, a national nonprofit donor-advised funds provider that has facilitated a total charitable impact of $4.8 billion since its founding in 1997. Hired as the organization's first employee, Ben has been instrumental in the growth and success of Vanguard Charitable. The organization emphasizes measuring the efficacy of each donation by conducting thorough due diligence, encouraging an open dialogue between donors and charities, and maintaining an unwavering focus on the organization's mission to increase philanthropic giving in America. 

Benjamin Pierce on LinkedIn

Tune into the interview with Ben and click through the corresponding slideshow below...



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