Arch Street Press

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Save the Children Helps With East Africa's Drought

Children and families in Ethiopia, Somalia and Somaliland are struggling through the region’s worst drought in half a century. It has ruined harvests and devastated livestock – leaving 10.1 million people in urgent need of food aid and 5.7 million children at risk of hunger in Ethiopia alone. In Somalia 3.9 million people are facing food shortages, and 308,000 children under five years are at risk of acute malnutrition.

Save the Children is working in over 60 of the worst drought-affected districts in Ethiopia:

  • providing food, water, medicine and crucial support to families who have lost their incomes, with immediate focus on increasing food aid
  • treating child malnutrition
  • trucking in water
  • intervening to save livestock and crops where possible, and
  • supporting families to keep their children in school through the crisis

Click here to donate and provide food to malnourished children.

Tune into our Innovate interview with Carolyn Miles, president and CEO of Save the Children.


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