Arch Street Press

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Net Impact Launches a Community Nutrition Project With Newman's Own Foundation

Net Impact is launching an innovative community nutrition project among college students, with support from Newman’s Own Foundation, the independent foundation created by the late actor and philanthropist, Paul Newman.

The Newman’s Own Foundation Challenge will enable emerging leaders to turn their ideas into reality. “We are excited to work with Newman’s Own Foundation to develop the next generation of nutrition leaders,” said Liz Maw, CEO of Net Impact.

Participants will receive modest funding and mentorship from experts in food and nutrition to support them as they implement their projects. These experts – from corporate, nonprofit, community, and higher education backgrounds – will guide teams to ensure that their projects build upon some of the recent gains in nutritional outcomes and lead to meaningful improvements in the health of those in their community.

Once projects are completed in the spring, the cohort will share results from their projects and discuss how to build upon their successes. “Our network is passionate about nutrition and our food systems,” said Liz Maw. “We look forward to seeing them address nutritional deficits in their communities immediately, and hope that their work inspires others to help join the fight to turn around nutritional trends in the United States.”

Click here to learn more about the Newman’s Own Foundation Challenge.

Tune into our Innovate interview with Liz Maw, CEO of Net Impact.


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