Arch Street Press

independent nonprofit publisher dedicated to the collaborative work of creative visionaries, social entrepreneurs and leading scholars worldwide

Filtering by Tag: social entrepreneurs

Ideas Unbound: Dr. Elizabeth Sawin & Climate Interactive: Helping Humanity Address Climate Change Through Systems Thinking


A dialogue with Dr. Elizabeth Sawin, Co-Founder and Co-Director of Climate Interactivea nonprofit with a mission to help people see what works in addressing climate change and related issues like energy, water, food and disaster-risk reduction. Using the discipline of systems thinking, the team at Climate Interactive has partnered with major government policymakers such as the US State Department to help them assess and communicate their strategies concerning climate change. Climate Interactive has similarly assisted numerous nongovernmental organizations and businesses. This organization’s critical work has been featured in the New York Times, Live Science, the Mother Nature Network, the Washington Post and the Guardian. Most importantly, Climate Interactive has developed a robust series of interactive simulators and other experiential learning tools to help communities make progress on the global Climate Change challenges that face the world today.

Climate Interactive on Facebook

Elizabeth Sawin on LinkedIn 

Climate Interactive on Twitter

Ideas Unbound: Dr. Ruth Shapiro: The Real Problem Solvers, Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation

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A dialogue with Dr. Ruth Shapiro, Editor of The Real Problem Solvers: Social Entrepreneurs in America, a groundbreaking work that brings together leading entrepreneurs, funders, investors, thinkers, and champions in the field to answer these questions from their own, first-person perspectives. Based on a series of talks at The Commonwealth Club of California, these accounts give readers insights into the work of key individuals, but also demonstrate trends at the forefront of social change. Dr. Shapiro is Social Entrepreneur in Residence  at the Commonwealth Club of California and the Principal of Keyi Strategies.

Commonwealth Club of California on Facebook
Ruth Shapiro on LinkedIn

Ashoka Fellow Andreas Heinecke: Empathy and Dialogue in the Dark


A dialogue with Ashoka Fellow Andreas Heinecke, founder and CEO of Dialogue Social Enterprise and Dialogue in the Dark. Dialogue is an exhibition and workshop to explore the unseen. The concept of Dialogue in the Dark is simple: blind guides lead visitors through specially constructed dark rooms in which scent, sound, wind, temperature and texture convey the characteristics of daily environments. Dialogue in the Dark has been presented in more than 30 countries and 130 cities throughout the world since its opening in 1988. More than seven million visitors worldwide have experienced Dialogue in the Dark and thousands of blind guides and trainers have found employment through the program.

Dialogue in the Dark on Facebook
Andreas Heinecke on LinkedIn


Ideas Unbound: Author Beverly Schwartz on Rippling, How Social Entrepreneurs Spread Innovation


A dialogue with Author Beverly Schwartz, Ashoka's Vice President of Global Marketing. Beverly has written Rippling: How Social Entrepreneurs Spread Innovation Around the World. Beverly takes us on a journey around the globe exploring the stories of some of the world's most impactful social entrepreneurs.

Ashoka on Facebook
Beverly Schwartz on LinkedIn

Ashoka Fellow David Castro: Empathy and Leadership


Robert Rimm, Managing Editor of Arch Street Press, interviews Ashoka Fellow David Castro on empathy as a critical leadership skill. David is the President and CEO of the Institute for Leadership Education, Advancement and Development, also known as I-LEAD.

Start Empathy: Ashoka Fellow David Castro: Empathy and Leadership

I-LEAD on Facebook
David Castro on LinkedIn


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Member of the Association of American Publishers and the Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance

Arch Street Press est un éditeur indépendant, à but non lucratif, qui se consacre à promouvoir l'œuvre collaboratif des visionnaires créatifs, entrepreneurs sociaux et leaders d'opinion.

Arch Street Press is part of the Institute for Leadership Education, Advancement and Development (I-LEAD), a Pennsylvania-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit with offices in Philadelphia, Bryn Mawr and Reading. It has served as a key force for community leadership development since 1995, fostering a degreed citizenry to tangibly improve and sustain the economic, civic and social well-being of communities throughout the United States.